Lerève philosophy as told by founder, Francesca.
“Something was missing in my skincare, a true combination of elements that could provide a complete beauty treatment every day.”
“Nature has always been my life companion. I was born in a free place, where the scent of flowers replaced the murky city air and the most intense colors were those of plants and fruits. Seeking the same contact, the same images wherever I went was a necessity, and it remained so even in adulthood.
My approach to skincare begins at a very young age. I quickly realized the importance of taking care of my skin, and I have looked for natural ingredients and formulations in every product I have tried over the years. A search, however, which was not easy at all, precisely because of the difficulty of finding those products that could really solve my skin problems, provide those promised results that, in fact, remained only promised, without real effectiveness. Hence my interest in the field of natural cosmetics with efficacy was born, which grew to the point where I felt the need to do something myself.
The mantra that guides me and, today, Lerève, is just that: don’t wait for someone to do what you want; put yourself out there and do it yourself. So between 2019 and 2020, I put together a scientific team of experts in the field of pharmaceuticals to find out which ingredients are most functional for each individual skin issue, even including new ones that have never been tried before.
This is what Lerève is all about, a concrete project to bring skincare to a new awareness, so that everyone, men and women, can choose how to take care of themselves, knowing thoroughly every product they apply to their skin or take as a supplement for the skin itself.”
This is what Lerève is all about, a concrete project to bring skincare to a new awareness, so that everyone, men and women, can choose how to take care of themselves, knowing thoroughly every product they apply to their skin or take as a supplement for the skin itself.”
Lerève in 4 points
Italian supply chain, safety certifications, proven efficacy. All the work behind each product is based on these principles, for the selection of raw materials mainly from local producers, but also from foreign producers who reflect all the criteria of product effectiveness and integrity. An ongoing commitment that aims to support the body’s needs while respecting the environment and the scientific protocols that regulate the use of ingredients in both cosmetic products and dietary supplements.
We are far from vacuous promises and miracle treatments. We prefer to demonstrate, clearly and unambiguously, everything that goes into the formulation of each product, from the choice of the purest raw materials to the combination free of parabens, silicones, and microplastics, thus explaining how each product works and what benefits it can give to the skin. We strive every day to offer as much information as possible, through multiple channels and constantly active customer support, to answer any questions about using the products and choosing those that best suit your needs.
What we do at Lerève is to constantly strive to find active ingredients that return noticeable results. Results we continually recount, with constant information gathering and testing for each product being launched. Only in this way, with the assurance of real efficacy, do we give anyone who wants to try Lerève supplements and creams the chance to take care of themselves and their skin.
From idea to finished product: every cream, every serum, every Lerève supplement is a conceived, studied and processed entirely in Italy. We choose producers and suppliers with international recognition for the high quality of raw materials and innovation in production techniques, in favor of concrete support for the environment, especially in agriculture.
The same focus is carried within the Lerève laboratories, with some of the research geared toward sustainable development in manufacturing. Starting with the choice of packaging made from 100% recyclable or post-consumer recycled materials, to the paper used for packaging, shipping and business use, which is entirely 100% FSC and produced in part from the waste of other processing.